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We will Approach toward the best College and the Science High School that train world-best leaders.
Firstly, I would like to tell you about our school’s history.
The history of MTC had started from training modernized competed people through new education. In 1985, I, Paulino C. Choi, stepped in the Philippines for the first time with the establishment of Manila Theological College in 1993, Formerly Young Rac Science High School in 2004 and St. Lino Science High School in 2015, we have turned up the light of the Philippines through the ducation that greatly contributed cultivating the talents of men in the Philippines.
Secondly, we have been turning a great number of students into the leaders that achieve huge advances in the field of economy and peace in our land with the teachings of liberty, justice truth starting from Manila
Furthermore, in a century, not everyone can get the chance of tradition that the first higher educational institutions founded by a foreigner which leads the future of the people and the nation.

However, the era that we have faced make us not just lean on the self-confidence. Universities nowadays fell so low as to become targets of evaluation locked in cages of educational policy. They must not be dragged around, but lead changes of the age. In the days of educational crisis, everyone should once again think about the future of education, and will educate the intellectual who will go further and further into the vast fields.
Lastly, Manila Theological College and St. Lino Science High School will be one of
the educational systems that lead the new future of 21st century.
We will make a great effort to become a school producing talented people who lead no only in the Philippines, but also in the world through various fields of study – Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Theology, Etc.
Terry 2015.07.06
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Dr. Choi visited the Universities in Europe for School development. 

He discussed with faculty members and felt valuable things from Europe and 

wanted to share and to use the school for better education to the students.